VirusTotal Uploader lets you scan a file or webpage through several antivirus programs. VirusTotal is a web service that scans uploaded files through several antivirus programs (44 at this time). You can upload any file up to 20 Mb. You can also use it to check downloadable files from the Internet even before you download them.
The program is well thought, also giving you the option to download a file and test it afterwards (so you can choose which option is faster and easier for you). Furthermore, the website keeps a database of scanned files, so you will not need to upload a file VirusTotal already checked (which can save you a lot of time). Although the most well known antivirus’ brands have had free online scans for some time, this is a completely different approach, as it uses multiple programs for additional results.
This program is not aimed at replacing your antivirus program, as checking you entire hard drive is out of the question (you would have to upload it all to VirusTotal servers). Even if you could, there is always the privacy issue, as you would have to upload your files to a web server. VirusTotal has a very different and interesting objective. Most viruses today are spread by email, messengers, downloads, and infected web pages. Our antivirus and browser security features will catch most of the threats of a regular day-to-day use of the internet (using well-known sites, not opening emails from strangers, or with suspicious looks, etc). You should never open suspicious looking web links, email attachments, or messenger links, even from people you know because their computer might have caught a virus. However, it always comes the day when you really need to open something that appears suspicious. Sometimes you will be able to contact the person who owns or sent you the file, but other times that will not be possible. If your antivirus software does not detect anything, you should give VirusTotal a try.
It will scan the suspected file, web page, or even running processes through 44 antivirus programs, giving you added security. Remember that no antivirus is foolproof, but 44 of them are probably a good bet. Furthermore, if the file is already in the VirusTotal database, you will have access to other users comments (and you can add a comments yourself, upon registration).
This program is very easy to use. Most times you will just right click the file you want and select “send to”. An option with VirusTotal will be available. If you want to scan a web link or running process you will have to run VirusTotal Uploader and select your option.
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